Signs of aging can start as early as our twenties. It’s important that you begin taking care of problem areas from a young age. These four essential oils to fight aging are a great start to keeping our skin firm and wrinkle free!
Exfoliation is the removal of dead skin cells from the top layer of your skin. It is normal for your skin’s surface to dry up and shed, but this can cause it to look withered and rough. That’s why it’s important to scrub away the excess and allow your skin to breathe! There are a few different ways to exfoliate to keep your skin looking fresh and young.
I think it’s safe to say that most of us hate the feeling of sweat dripping down our forehead and feeling like we can be smelt from a mile away. We work up a sweat in most strenuous, stressful situations, but there is actually a real benefit to this. Sweat is good for us!
Here are some of the best ways sweat can help heal our bodies.
Life. Is. Stressful. It takes a toll on our bodies both physically and mentally. When our body recognizes stress, it releases cortisol, one of our many hormones. When it’s released, there are many effects, such as dry, wrinkled, or oily skin, acne, or the accumulation of fat. These symptoms lead to stress being visible on the outside. It’s important to take care of yourself! There’s no easy way around stress, but we can at least try our best to avoid the negative effects. Try these five suggestions that can help reduce the amount of stress in your life, and how it can affect your skin.
Serums have been all the rage in the skincare world lately. Our shelves are littered with small bottles with promises of brighter, tighter, healthier skin. It’s super easy to incorporate these into our daily skincare routines, but the first step is deciding which serum works best for your skin