Natural Remedies to Treat Sunburns
Posted on July 18, 2019
Hot summer days means hours out in the sun. It also means damage to your skin. Sunburns are a pain to deal with, but when they happen it’s best to treat them naturally. That’s why we put together this list of products and around-the-house foods and vitamins as natural remedies to treat sunburns. If you have to deal with the pain, we can make it easier for you to heal!
Aloe Vera is the basic go-to for curing a sunburn. It has a cooling effect and helps to heal the burn and relieve a lot of the pain. It’s also super easy to purchase. You can grow your own plant and cut the leaves for any use, buy the leaves from a grocery store, or just purchase aloe vera gel from a local convenience store.Witch Hazel
One of witch hazel’s specialties is healing damaged skin. The plant has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can work to speed up the process of healing and even reduce the change of peeling or flaking. They contain tannins that reduce swelling, repair any damage, and keep the bacteria away. When buying witch hazel, look for the one that doesn’t contain any alcohol. Search for the “witch hazel water” label, or make your own by steaming the bark, twigs, and leaves and applying it to the sunburned area.Bee Relieved

Sun Bum Moisturizer

Foods & Vitamins
Incorporating foods, vitamins, and/or oils into your bath can provide a great improvement in relieving and healing sunburns. These bath additions will provide an extra cooling effect and allow the burn to heal a bit quicker than normal.- Apple Cider Vinegar will balance out the pH of sunburned skin and allow a quicker healing time.
- Lavender and chamomile are known for their calming properties. Adding these to your bath will help soothe the pain.
- Baking soda will help with the irritation a burn can cause your skin to feel. Adding about two cups will be enough to soothe your skin for a little while.
- Cool milk as a compress for the sunburned areas. It will provide temporary, but immediate, relief from the pain because the coolness of the compress will chill the heat that radiates from a burn.
- Yogurt, like the milk, will help to soothe the burn a bit. Apply it to the needed areas and leave it for as long as you need the relief. Make sure you’re reaching for plain yogurt though, as flavors can possibly upset the burn more!
- Cucumbers are known in the skincare world as a simple way to decrease puffiness around the eyes. Well, they can be used for sunburns, too! Blend the cucumbers into a paste and apply it to the affected areas. It will help relieve inflammation and pain, as well as help with peeling.