Body/Bikini Waxing Consent Form

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • *Because of water retention and for your personal comfort, avoid hair removal 2 days before your cycle starts and two days after.

  • Some possible side effects include redness, swelling and pimples, but these are temporary and generally fade within 24-48 hours.

    For Brazilian and/or bikini waxing, I will notify my service provider if I am on my menstrual cycle.

    I do not have any open skin lesions or active herpes outbreak (cold sore or genital).

    I agree to adhere to all safety post care including: no peels, tanning or wet room services; no swimming/spas/hot tubes for 24-48 hours after waxing; and all home skin care protocols as recommended by my service provider.

    I am over 18 years of age or I have parental consent co-signed below.

    I will call to inform my service provider of any complications or concerns I may have as soon as they occur.

    I will wear clean, loose fitting clothes

    I will avoid swimming in chlorinated pools

    My signature acknowledges that I have read and agree to receive the treatments or series or treatments listed above and that I will adhere to all of the aforementioned statements that I have initialed.

  • Bee Waxed Cosmetics the right to refuse services for all waxing if proper hygiene is not followed.

    For Brazilian and bikini waxes, we offer complimentary wipes to use in designed areas.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.