Night Owl Turned Early Bird
Posted on December 6, 2018
Waking up in the morning is rough, especially for a night owl. All you want to do is slam the snooze button and give yourself the extra five minutes of sleep that inevitably turns into an extra 10 minutes, then 15, then 20. Trust us, we get it. That’s why we’re here to help you come up with the best way to get you up and out of bed on time! Get more sleep. This one is pretty obvious, but can be difficult sometimes. Our body needs rest in order to regain its energy. Life happens though, and sometimes you’re going to need to give up a few hours to complete that work assignment or catch up on life. When that happens, try to compensate for that loss the next night by getting into bed a bit earlier. Divorce the snooze. The ultimate struggle of waking up in the morning. The snooze button is one of the worst temptations we have, especially when we’re low on energy. The most important thing to do is keep your eyes open once you wake. An easy trick is to set two alarms for yourself. The first is to wake you up from your sleep. The second alarm should be no more than 15 minutes later, and it’s to get you out of bed. Take that time between the two alarms to become more alert. Most importantly, don’t close your eyes again! Ditch the screens. Your brain needs a transition period to go from day to night. That can be difficult to process if you’re bringing your daily technology into bed with you. It’s best to get rid of technology in the bedroom completely, but we get that can be a bit unrealistic since so many of us use our phones as alarm clocks. In that case, set your alarm earlier in the day and avoid looking at screens at least an hour or two before bed. Instead, grab a book or a journal and get old school with how you occupy your downtime. Routine, routine, routine! Setting a routine for yourself is a great indicator to your body that it’s time to sleep. We like to work on a schedule, so come up with whatever works best for you and helps you wind down at the end of the day. Maybe that’s reading a chapter of your latest book, setting out your outfit for the next day, or coming up with the perfect nighttime skincare ritual. Whatever it may be, make a habit of doing it every night. On top of that, get into the routine of waking up at the same time every day. Your body works like a clock. Wake up at the same time every day for long enough, and eventually your body will do it on instinct. Get moving. The key to getting up is staying up. Do you ever take that 20 minute mid-day nap that turns into 2 hours? Yeah, so do we. That can be confusing to the body, so it’s best to make sure that once you’re awake for the day, it stays that way until you’re ready to sleep again at night. One of the best ways to wake yourself up is to expose yourself to some natural light. Crack a window open, or go for a morning walk and take in everything around you. Have something to look forward to. We fuel ourselves with motivation. Giving yourself something to be excited about in the morning is a great way to encourage yourself to get out of bed. It could be something as small as trying that new coffee blend you bought at the grocery store the other day. Whatever it is, make it something that’ll put a pep in your morning step. Becoming a morning person takes a lot of effort and practice, but the payoff is great! Mornings give us that extra leisure time to do whatever it is that makes us feel good. Make yourself a great breakfast, take that extra time to do your hair and makeup, take yourself on a neighborhood walk. Do whatever it is that makes you feel happy. XOXO, Bee Waxed Cosmetics