Make Sunscreen Your Best Friend
Posted on June 8, 2019
Stepping outside and letting the heat of the sun warm our skin is one of the best feelings. Sun is great for providing our bodies with Vitamin D and giving us a golden glow, but its UV rays can be harmful. That is why it’s so important to make sunscreen your best friend! Natural tanning is okay, but should be done in small doses. That means no sitting outside for hours on end! Skin damage happens over time. So, even if you feel like you don’t need the protection, we can assure you, you do! You should apply sunscreen often when tanning, but it should be used daily. We recommend using SPF 30. It is most common and blocks 97% of UV-B rays, the UV type that hits the outer layer of our skin and can cause skin damage and possibly cancer. Using sunscreen can significantly reduce your risk of skin cancer and damage such as dark spots, burns and wrinkles. Using sunscreen is even more important now that our ozone layer is being depleted. Global warming has diminished our atmosphere, and as the ozone layer gets thinner, it allows for UV rays to penetrate deeper. As a result, those stronger rays become more harmful to us. It is extremely important to use sunscreen in the summer, but don’t stop using it in colder weather. About 80 percent of UV rays penetrate through clouds, even in the winter. Make sure you always have sunscreen on hand. Wear a hat and sunglasses when going out, and don’t forget to protect your lips, too!
Need some recommendations? See ours below.
Suntegrity Skincare

Glossier Invisible Shield

Hurraw! Sun Lip Balm